Preventing Backover Accidents

You may think that driving forward is pretty easy, especially on straight roads like freeways. Just stay in your lane and coast along at 65 miles per hour, right? But at some point, you will need to go in reverse. You may need to back out of your driveway or a parking space. When this happens, accidents are highly likely to occur.
Backing up is always a challenge, especially in a busy parking lot. There may be other vehicles driving about looking for parking spaces. There may be pedestrians walking to and from their vehicles. Plus, there could be hazards, such as poles, shopping carts, and signs.
Even in your own driveway, you could hit someone. In fact, most victims in this situation are young children. The driver — most often a parent — is unaware that their child is behind the vehicle or even outside at all until it is too late.
Vehicles have blind spots all around them and these blind spots are even more pronounced when going in reverse. Backover accidents may also be caused by pedal confusion. A driver may press the accelerator instead of the brake, causing them to go in reverse faster than intended. In some cases, they may be in the wrong gear altogether, meaning they are in drive instead of reverse.
Backover crashes can cause catastrophic injuries and even death. Here are some ways to avoid these tragic accidents.
Walk Around Your Vehicle
Do a thorough search all around your vehicle before getting in. Look under it as well to make sure no children or pets are hiding. Do not drive the vehicle until it is hazard-free all around the car.
Once you are ready to take off, roll down your windows and listen for anything that could be considered an accident, such as a child screaming.
Don’t Be Distracted
When backing up, be fully aware of what you are doing. Don’t be playing on your phone or talking to passengers. Be alert as to what is going on around you.
Go Slow
Don’t be in a hurry to back up. Go slow and be ready to slam on the brakes if needed.
Teach Children About Vehicle Safety
Even toddlers can be taught not to play in or around vehicles. Don’t use the driveway as a playground. Have someone watch them in the house or backyard while you are backing up.
Contact Us Today
Driving forward can be difficult enough. Many drivers underestimate the safety issues involved with backing up.
It’s harder to see once a vehicle is in reverse. If you or a loved one has been a victim of such a tragic accident, seek legal help from the Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office. We understand the injuries and stress involved. Contact us for a free consultation. Call (407) 743-6628 or fill out the online form.