Monthly Archives: February 2024

Drunk Driving Fatalities In Florida
Drunk driving is something that we all know is wrong, but many of us do it anyway. While the number of motor vehicle-related fatalities has gone down slightly over the years, drunk driving is still a major cause. In fact, from 2020 to 2021, drunk driving fatalities increased by 14%, In 2022, there were… Read More »

Motorcycle Rider Killed In Poinciana Crash
Drivers need to be careful when making a turn. Turning involves starting from one road and ending up in another. When making a turn, you need to be aware of what all may be involved, including obstacles in the road like motorcycles and other vehicles. A left turn resulted in tragedy for a motorcycle… Read More »

Do Men Cause More Car Accidents Than Women?
When it comes to driving, men are known for causing more car accidents than women. Is this true? Statistics show that men do cause more accidents and are three times as likely to die in a crash than women. Men cause roughly 6.1 million accidents every year compared to the 4.4 million crashes caused… Read More »

5 Injured In Multi-Vehicle Crash
Many car accidents involve just one or two vehicles. When there are a lot of vehicles in one area, though, such as on a highway, multiple-vehicle crashes are more likely to occur. A five-vehicle crash recently shut down several lanes of the Florida Turnpike in Osceola County. The accident happened on the morning of… Read More »