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What To Do If Your Spouse’s Attorney Refuses Required Legal Documents

Listen as Kissimmee divorce attorney, Linda Gruszynski explains what to do if during the divorce process your spouse and their attorney refuse to give you all legally required documents and information needed for your case.

If this happens and you have made good faith efforts to collect this information, we will then want to file a motion to compel. If there is still no response, we will need to schedule a hearing on the motion to compel. At the hearing, an order will then entered and a time limit will be set in which the documents must be produced.

If they still do not produce the required information we will file a motion for contempt, meaning your spouse and attorney are in contempt of the court’s previously issued order. Watch the video to learn more.

If you have additional questions regarding this process or another party’s refusal to provide the required legal documents during the divorce process in Florida, call the experienced Kissimmee family law attorneys of Draper Law Offices at 407-846-0075. I welcome your call.

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