Dangers Of Running Stop Signs

When you’re out driving your car on the streets, there’s a lot going on that you need to pay attention to. Pedestrians, other vehicles, and road hazards are just a few things. You should also be aware of traffic signs, particularly stop signs.
Many people do not completely stop at stop signs and stop lights. They may stop a little and roll on through. Some drivers run them at high speeds without even attempting to stop. This happens quite often and is not only illegal but also very dangerous. That’s because you are running through an intersection when another driver has the right of way.
Rolling through stop signs is among the most common causes of accidents on the road. Many people are injured and killed when drivers fail to follow traffic controls. Other motorists, as well as pedestrians and motorcycle riders, are all affected by this reckless behavior. Here are some risks you are taking when you run a stop sign.
T-Bone Crash
T-bone accidents can be deadly accidents, especially at high speeds. That’s because the front of one vehicle hits the side of another, like the letter T. The side of a vehicle offers very little protection for passengers. Occupants can be seriously injured or even killed.
Collision With Pedestrian or Bicyclist
Even if you don’t hit another vehicle, remember that we share the roads with others. You could hit a pedestrian or bike rider. Neither of these have adequate protection against your car, so the impact caused by your vehicle could possibly kill them.
Not following traffic signs and controls is illegal. If police catch you in the act of running a red light or stop sign, you will receive a ticket. Some areas don’t play around when it comes to not following traffic laws. You could be fined hundreds of dollars and may face license suspension. Your driving privileges could be at risk.
Avoiding These Dangers
To avoid harming yourself and others, always come to a complete stop at a stop sign, even if you think nobody is there. Before proceeding, count to three and check for vehicles coming in all directions. Make sure they are stopping before you proceed.
Be alert and patient when behind the wheel. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t get behind the heel if you are tired. Also, don’t be in a hurry to get to your destination.
Contact Us Today
Stop signs and other traffic signs are not suggestions. They are meant to be followed or else serious accidents can occur.
If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, get the help you need from the Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office. We understand that the repercussions of these accidents can last a long time. Fill out the online form or call (407) 743-6628 to schedule a free consultation today.