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Woman Killed In Rear-End Crash


When a driver is rear-ended by another vehicle, they are often the ones seriously injured or killed due to the impact of the crash. If the person is in a passenger vehicle and they rear-end a much larger truck, though, the driver in the smaller vehicle is often the one affected.

This was recently the case in Florida. A woman rear-ended a semi truck and died as a result. The fatal accident occurred on the evening of July 13 in Orlando.

The 26-year-old woman was driving an SUV on Boggy Creek Road. She was heading south when a semi truck slowed down in front of her. The truck stopped for a red light at J Lawson Boulevard. The woman failed to slow down and slammed into the rear of the semi truck.

The woman was taken to UCF Lake Nona, where she later died. The driver of the semi truck suffered minor injuries.

Most Common Injuries From Rear-End Crashes

Rear-end accidents happen a lot, so people do not often worry about the effects. However, as seen in this case, people can die from these crashes. It does not matter if they are in the vehicle that is rear-ended or the one doing the rear-ending.

A person involved in any accident can suffer serious injuries. Here are some of the most common ones to expect for rear-end crashes:

  • The impact of a rear-end crash can cause your neck to jerk back and forth quickly. This results in whiplash, which can be extremely sore and painful.
  • Back injuries. Strains and sprains are common after a crash. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments can all be affected due to the impact of an accident. Even a crash at low speeds can cause pain and decreased range of motion.
  • Facial injuries. The impact of a rear-end accident can cause you to hit your head on the steering wheel or dashboard. Or glass may shatter and hit you in the eye. In any case, your face could be severely damaged in a crash.
  • Fractured spine. This is a serious injury that often occurs in crashes involving larger vehicles. The spine is broken, which may require immobilization for several months as your spine heals. Sometimes surgery is required.
  • The loss of a limb is also common with larger vehicles. The vehicle could crumple, causing your body to be crushed. The impact could cause you to lose an arm, hand, leg, or foot.

Contact Us Today

When driving around other vehicles, you need to be mindful of their actions. If a vehicle in front of you slows down, you also need to be prepared to slow down.

If you have been involved in a car crash for any reason, contact the Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office to file a claim. We’ll help you determine your rights to compensation. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling (407) 743-6628.



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