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10 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Divorce

10 Mistakes to Avoid During Your DivorceWhen you are going through a divorce, can feel like every aspect of your life from where you live to how you are going to support yourself is at risk. At a time like this it is a natural response to be afraid but, if you are not careful, that fear can lead you to make errors which could hurt your case. The good news is that you can avoid mistakes during your divorce.

1. Tell Your Attorney Everything

Having a divorce attorney at your side is one of the best decisions you can make. With their advice, you can make choices which support your interest. That being said, your attorney’s valuable advice is not going to be worth a much without a full picture of your life, circumstances, and case. Further, your counsel cannot protect you from threats which you have not disclosed. While it may not be comfortable, tell your attorney everything. That way your chosen advocate can do their job and make sure you have the full benefit of their counsel.

2. Be Careful with Friendly Advice

Inevitably friends and family are going to give you their two cents about your case and its direction. Remember, these well-meaning individuals are not impartial and are not your attorney. Always return to your counsel for guidance.

3. Keep New Relationships Out of Your Case

Even if your relationship has been headed for divorce for years, you should refrain from starting a new relationship during your divorce. If you are already seeing someone, keep them away from the courthouse and at a distance until your divorce is over. Remember, even when everyone agrees divorce is for the best, adding a new person during the process can create hurt feelings and inhibit settlement.

4. Social Media is not Your Friend–Do not Use it!

Social media is not protected or private, and information posted to these mediums can be used against you during your case. If possible, delete or disable your accounts for the duration of the divorce. If they remain active, do not post anything on them and restrict your contacts.

5. Keep Your Children out of It

It should go without saying, do not discuss any aspect of your case with your children. While you may have to explain some changes, keep your comments appropriate and to the minimum. Your kids will only be harmed by having to hear about conflict between you and your Ex.

6. Do Not Hide Assets or Withhold Information

Lying to the court in any fashion is a bad idea. When you hide property, it is fraud. When you fail to be forthcoming with mandatory information you could be held in contempt. Tell the truth and disclose what is asked of you.

7. Don’t Discuss the Case with Your Former Partner

You and your former partner have attorneys for a reason. While you may have contact during child visit exchanges or regarding other matters, you are still involved in a legal case. Do not discuss your case without counsel.

8. Don’t Be Unrealistic

Your attorney should provide you with a balanced perspective and advice about what to expect during your divorce. When you take an untenable and unreasonable position, it will probably only serve to impede the progress of your case. Listen to your counsel and be realistic in your expectations.

9. Don’t Waste Marital Property

While you may be justifiably upset by your ex’s behavior, this is not the time to get back at them by incurring excessive debts or failing to care for joint property. If the court believes you have intentionally wasted marital assets you could end up with fewer of them at the end of the case

10. Do Not Lose Perspective

Divorce is a hard and sometimes traumatic experience. With such intense emotions running high, it is easy to get caught up in the drama and conflict of the case. Keep calm and take steps to reduce stress so that you can keep your perspective.

Knowing what actions to avoid during divorce is critical. We have experience helping clients circumvent mistakes and make the right choices during divorce. Contact us online or at 866-767-4711 today to set up your free, no-obligation consultation in one of our two locations: Kissimmee, and Orlando.

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