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How to Handle False Accusations During your Divorce

How to Handle False Accusations During your DivorceDuring a divorce, emotions can run high. Disagreements can become conflicts, and conflicts can drive people to say things they do not really mean and believe simply to make their opponents look bad. Sometimes, facts are taken out of context to be used against former partners and in other cases, individuals completely fabricate claims in order to make themselves look “better” to the court. This might be done in an effort to come away with a larger share of their marital assets, to be given sole custody of their children, or even simply to spite their former partners. If you face false accusations about your conduct, how you handle them will impact your divorce settlement.

Have Evidence to Refute the Accusations

Your former partner needs evidence to support his or her claims about you. Similarly, you can use evidence to support counterclaims. Make use of any recorded conversations or images that contradict your spouse’s claim. You can also use evidence like testimonies from others and data from an accountant, healthcare provider, or other professional whose input is relevant to the issue at hand to support your position.

Cooperate with the Court’s Requests

Do not fight the court orders your spouse files. If you are asked to take a drug test following an accusation of drug use, take the test and let your results stand for themselves. If your spouse suspects you are hiding assets and takes action to search your accounts and track your recent transactions, comply.

Cooperation only works when you are certain there is no validity to your spouse’s claim. If you are concerned that you will fail a drug test or that a record of your transactions will show that you are hiding assets, discuss your concern with your lawyer. He or she can determine if the court order is valid and if so, how to handle the information it brings to light.

Interact with your Spouse Only Through your Lawyer

Though it may be tempting to tell your spouse to stop via text message, over the phone, or in person, choose not to do this. Have your lawyer direct all your interactions with your spouse to your spouse’s lawyer. This way, all interaction is on record and there is no room for a statement to be misinterpreted or taken out of context.

Draper Law Office can be your Advocate Through the Entire Divorce Process

The moment you are accused of something you did not do, even if there is a small bit of truth to an otherwise outlandish claim, notify your lawyer. The most effective way to combat false accusations from a former partner is to be proactive about showing the court the truth. Contact Draper Law Office online or by calling 866-767-4711 today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation with a member of our team.

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