No Senior Should or Needs to Go Hungry – Sign up for “March for Meals 5K Run & Walk

The Osceola Council on Aging “Meals on Wheels” program will host the national 2021 March for Meals campaign by kicking off “The March for Meals 5K Walk & Run sponsored by Kissimmee Utility Authority.”
The event will take place on Saturday, March 13th at the Kissimmee Lakefront Park and will include a 5K run and walk for individuals and/or corporate and family teams, the largest and most spirited team competition, a free Kid’s Run, and silent auction. Those who finish will receive a medal. And, if you bring non-perishable food items to help support the Council On Aging’s food pantry, you will be entered in a special prize drawing!
You can see the most up-to-date information on the March for Meals 5K on the Council On Aging’s website at
The event will start at 7:00 a.m. (registration) and the run and walk begins at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $25 (before March 1ST) and $30 (March 2ND – 12th) and $35 (day of event). To register online through Eventbrite
If you registered for March for Meals 5K in 2020, your registration would carry over into the 2021 registration.
Team Challenge: “Team Challenge” allows folks to sign-up a team with five-plus participants and compete for team awards in the following categories: MOST TEAM SPIRIT and LARGEST TEAM! Be creative, use your imagination and “Let’s Be Fit for FOOD.”