Florida Crane And Construction Accidents

Florida boasts an ever-growing construction industry. However, along with it, comes an increasing number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, related to construction. Construction workers are more likely to suffer workplace injuries than employees in any other field. 1 in 10 construction workers is expected to suffer serious injury every year, and 2 construction workers die every day due to construction site accidents. While these accidents can range from falls to being struck or trapped by materials, the heavy machinery and equipment used on construction sites often also contributes to injuries and fatalities. Crane accidents on construction sites can have devastating consequences. When cranes are not properly maintained or operators are not given adequate training, the results can be deadly. In fact, there have been a number of deadly crane accidents in Florida.
Crane Accidents in Florida
A construction site accident last summer in Florida involving a crane that tipped over and crashed through the roof of a nearby structure injured five construction workers. The accident was said to have occurred while the crane was transporting a heavy load of long steel reinforcing bars when the crane malfunctioned and fell to the ground. This resulted in two workers being impaled by the steel bars. Emergency crews had to use heavy equipment to cut through the steel and transport the impaled workers to a local hospital, where they were listed as being in serious condition. A number of other construction workers were also trapped under the rubble and had to be rescued, while some other workers were able to free themselves.
Construction Site Injuries
There is no limit to the number or ways that workers can be injured on a construction site. With so many moving parts, exposed wires, heights, and high-stakes operations ongoing, the slightest mistake or miscalculation can result in serious injury. The leading cause of injury on construction sites is falls. Most of these falls happen from a higher level to a lower level, such as from a ladder or scaffolding. Collapsing scaffolding can also result in serious injury and is unfortunately, not uncommon. Falling materials, equipment, and debris, also represents one of the top four causes of fatalities on construction sites. The steel bars dropped from the crane in the above example would be one such instance of falling materials causing injury, however, something as small as a hammer can still cause serious injury and even death when it is dropped from a significant height. Electrocution is unfortunately also not uncommon on construction sites and can contribute to falls, traumatic brain injuries, and even cardiac arrest. Stuck-in-between accidents also occur on construction sites. These accidents happen when a construction worker becomes struck in between an immovable object, such as a wall or beam, and another heavy object or piece of equipment, such as the bed of a semi-truck. These accidents can cause devastating and fatal injuries, such as crushed bones, organ damage, and internal hemorrhage.
Talk to a Kissimmee, Florida Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been injured due to a crane or construction site accident the experienced Kissimmee personal injury attorneys at Draper Law Office are ready to zealously advocate on your behalf and get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.